Public Consultation for 57-64 GHz Motion Sensors in Mexico

Mexico - Public Consultation for 57-64 GHz Motion Sensors in Mexico
Posted by Admin in Mexico - 19-MAR-21
On March 16th, IFT has published the Public Consult for Preliminary Draft for the update of the technical operational conditions of the frequency band 57 - 64 GHz, to be classified as a free spectrum.

 The main objectives of the Preliminary Project are to: 

  1. update the technical operating conditions for motion sensors that could make use of the 57 - 64 GHz frequency band (57 - 64 GHz band), in order to promote the deployment of new technology related to motion sensors in our country and, consequently, benefit the general public;
  2. manage and promote the efficient use of the radioelectric spectrum in the 57 - 64 GHz band;
  3. promote and promote conditions for the general public to have access to new telecommunications technologies and services through the use of the 57 - 64 GHz band;
  4. increase harmonization in the use of the radioelectric spectrum for motion sensors in the 57 - 64 GHz band, based on best international practices and existing technological advances;
  5. encourage technological innovation in the country by adding access to the radio spectrum for testing and experimentation of new equipment or technologies related to motion sensors in the 57 - 64 GHz band, without the need for a concession for these purposes, and
  6. promote competition in the telecommunications market for the 57 - 64 GHz band, in order to achieve further development in the sector.

The consultation runs from March 17, 2021 to April 20, 2021 (20 business days), and interested parties can submit a formal input (using the FORMAT TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PUBLIC CONSULTATION form) to 

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